Living Faith : Then & Now

Articulating Belief
An unlikely success story.
by Stephen Hayes

Living with Living Faith
A useful and acceptable summing up of Presbyterianism.
by Laurence DeWolfe

Ancient Faith
Spoken in the moods and questions of the age.
by Duncan Cameron

More Food for Thought

From the WMS Book Room
This Presbyterian Church of Ours by John Congram (1995)
An Interactive Study Guide to Living Faith by Carolyn Boyer (2004)
Being a Presbyterian in Canada Today by Stephen Hayes (revised 1988)
A Catechism for Today by the Committee on Church Doctrine (2006)
Enjoying and Glorifying God by Dorothy Henderson (1996)

• What We Believe as the Presbyterian Church in Canada
• The Westminster Confession of Faith, Living Faith and other creeds and confessions
The Social Action Handbook by the Life and Mission Agency (updated in 2009)

• What Presbyterians Believe, a series of articles for Presbyterians Today