In the Spirit

Felix Möckel / istockphoto
Felix Möckel / istockphoto

I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day — Revelation 1:10

It is not possible to be “in the Spirit” without recognizing the cross and sacrifice of Christ in an act of surrender and contrition. I know that I fall short of God’s glory. No one other than Christ has lived a day without sin. I meditate on these matters every day and review in my mind’s eye how I see Christ on the cross. As I draw close to him with a humble and contrite heart, I thank him. I am shoulder to shoulder with him as if wanting to share his burden and yoke but I know it is not possible because it is something he must do by himself. It is because of me that he is there and I can do nothing except assure him that he is not alone and that I care.

It is a solemn time but as I pause there, a peace begins to envelop me. I am not depressed by what I see at the cross but am uplifted and refreshed. It is the Good in Good Friday. The Holy Spirit stirs in me and I am in the Spirit. This wondrous transformation brings peace and conviction of the truth and dominates my mind. My worldly mind has been replaced. This is the feeling that I know is from God — it is the mind of Christ. This is what John the Apostle was referring to in Revelation 1:10 and is what I strive for constantly. It is “the Kingdom of God within” that Jesus alluded to in Luke 17:21 and is the way it will be for all believers when Jesus returns for his church.

By staying in the Spirit I am guided throughout the day whether I am conscious of it or not. The Holy Spirit can put thoughts into one’s mind (Luke 12:12), and this is the guidance I need in daily life. The fruits of the Spirit — love, joy, peace, kindness, patience, gentleness and self-control — are evident. Selfishness, worry, fear and impatience are gone.

This is my walk with the Shepherd in that moment until events, distractions and my sinful nature quench the fire of the Holy Spirit within. The battle between these two sides is ongoing and as events overtake me and I get caught up in work and relationships, my worldly mind begins to dominate. It is necessary to make myself refocus no matter how awkward it is. It can take as little as a few seconds to go back to the cross and Jesus and be once again transformed.

Jesus was in the Spirit all the time and lived victoriously as a result. By attempting to do the same, I walk with my Shepherd in the storms. It is his agenda. During this time I rest assured in knowing I am where he wants me to be. It allows him to guide and bless me as he can do for all believers.