Raise Voices for Kairos

Re Restore Kairos’ Funds, For the Record, January

I was very disturbed to hear about the funding cuts to Kairos, and was stunned to learn of the political motivations behind them. In Jesus’ day those who spoke against social or political injustice were crucified; in our time they get their funding cut.

Jesus advocated for the most vulnerable in society, actively seeking to redress injustice wherever he encountered it; for this he paid the ultimate price.

Kairos likewise advocates on behalf of the weakest amongst us. They work to help those facing extreme human rights and humanitarian crises as well as political repression in places like Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Indeed, many of their overseas partners risk their lives for their work.

They support food security and peace-building programs. They promote affordable housing and income security initiatives in an effort to address poverty here in Canada. They believe that water is a basic human right and work towards keeping it a common good. They understand that water and resource shortages cause many bloody conflicts around the world.

In short, Kairos does through Christian charity much of the work that government is charged with but is unwilling to do. That’s what upsets me most about these cuts.

In the gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” If we as a church can’t speak up here and support Kairos and their petition for reinstatement of their funding, what is our point? If we are to be more than a comfortable pew, we had better get out there and raise our voices.