Foodgrains Bank Events

The Canadian Foodgrains Bank — a food justice organization of which the Presbyterian Church is a member — is holding its Spring workshops this April at various churches in Ontario. The theme for this installment is Climate Change and Hunger and will be led by Carol Thiessen, a CFGB policy analyst who will speak about the time she spent in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Workshops are scheduled on April 7, 8, 9 and 10, and several feature potluck suppers. No prior knowledge of the CFGB, food justice or climate change is needed, and there is no registration. Participants are asked to bring an item for the suppers.

CFGB is also in the process of organizing a potluck picnic for former CFGB study tour participants. The event will be hosted at a church in New Dundee, Ont., on July 17. Details are still to come. For more information on either event, contact David and Kathryn Mayberry, Ontario coordinators, at 519-485-3642 or To find out more about CFGB, visit — AM