The Comic Book God

Illustration from The Manga Bible, illustrated by Siku. Courtesy of
Illustration from The Manga Bible, illustrated by Siku. Courtesy of

Presbymergent is an online community designed by ministers and seminarians. The community hosts blogs, articles and podcasts, provides resources, and hosts seminars. Presbymergent is an attempt to explore what it means to be a Presbyterian (PCUSA) in a quickly changing, postmodern world.

Bible Verse of the Day
Growing up in a conservative evangelical church, I’ve got to say I can distinctly remember putting a blue highlighter on this verse to remind me to ask my pastor about it later.

Proverbs 31:6-7 (ESV)
“Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.”

The Yellow Bird Project is a Montreal- based non-profit company. It uses Canadian artists and well known Indi-rock bands to design t-shirts. Each artist chooses a charity, and money from every design sold goes directly to that charity. The Project raises money for hundreds of charities and makes some pretty cool clothes too!

“Could God microwave a burrito so hot that He Himself could not eat it?”

Comic Book
In Japan, people of all ages read manga, a Japanese comic. It is a multi-billion dollar industry; they even have 24-hour manga bars where people read all night. But manga is much more than just a comic. Manga covers all styles and targets every age group. People read manga romance, comedy, and even history. So it was just a matter of time before this came out: The Manga Bible! Endorsed by Rev. Dr. Rowan Douglas Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, this comic book Bible is both loved and hated. It has been criticized for its graphic depictions of violence and sexuality. Then again, have you read your Bible lately?