Plea for pity

The plea for pity by the national office serves to highlight the need for not just serious discussion but timely decision-making. No one will disagree that it is painful to accept even necessary steps which affect people’s livelihoods. Perhaps with a great deal of naivety, I wonder if it might have been possible and more palatable for staff to tithe one half day’s work a week for 10 weeks in each of two years, than to cease operations entirely for one week each year.

At the grassroots there are many congregations facing the realities of trying to help people who have lost their jobs with seemingly little hope of finding other employment. At the same time, many congregations are struggling to maintain what may be the only Christian presence within their community. Simply cutting back or shutting down for only one week may not be the option they are forced to choose. As disciples, we are to go and make disciples, but we are all too often sidetracked and thwarted by the empires we make instead.

About Jean Park, Tillsonburg, Ont.