Share, Save, Spend: Teaching Stewardship and Generosity

  1. If you give your children an allowance, give it to them in portions of 10, so they learn the meaning of tithing and cultivate the habits of Share, Save, Spend, with instructions that one-tenth is to put into their savings and one-tenth is for them to give to the church. The rest is for them to spend any way they want. (If your church doesn’t provide offering envelopes for children, let your minister and/or session know you would like them.)
  2. Volunteer time as a family to a charity in your community (like a local food bank, a Habitat for Humanity build or Meals on Wheels). Such first-hand experiences can be transformative for everyone involved.
  3. Once a year for some special occasion (like a birthday or Thanksgiving), give a child in your life a larger sum of money (like $100) with instructions for them to choose any charity or philanthropic purpose on which to spend it. They get to do the research and then choose who their beneficiary will be. After they give their gift, let them share with you the reasons for their decision and how it felt for them to be able to give. (The Gifts of Change catalogue would be a helpful research tool.)
  4. Set up a donor advised fund, which is like a trust fund, through your local bank. All principle contributions are eligible for a tax receipt. Annual income earned by the fund can be distributed to registered charities. Make this an annual family activity to raise awareness of philanthropy.