St. Andrew’s, Westville, NS


The story of Holy Week, based on the gospels, “A Walk Through Holy Week”(reading and drama) was presented at St. Andrew’s, Westville N.S., under the direction of Interim Minister, Rev. Dr. Norman C. Marple., assisted by Diane Hayman, Alonzo Ferguson, Bill Thompson and Diane MacKenzie.


The congregation and choir were joined by members of St. Paul United Church, with whom Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services are shared each year. The service was conducted by Rev. Marple and scriptures were read by Rev. Doug Pilsworth and Diane Hayman. The combined choir, under the direction of Jill Prince, organist, sang “Beneath the Cross of Jesus.”


In the “Walk Through Holy Week” presentation, reference is made to the special foods eaten at the Jewish Festival of the Passover. The table was set and consisted of a chalice, small cups, a jug of wine, and special food. Some of the special foods mentioned are: the maror and karpas (romaine lettuce and parsley) and a bowl of salt water. The maror (bitter herbs) symbolized the bitterness of slavery. The karpas with a bowl of salt water represents the tears shed as well as redemption and hope. Charoses (haroset) is a mixture of chopped apples, raisins, chopped waluts, grated lemon, honey, cinammon and wine /apple juice. The haroset reminded the people of the mortar used by the Jews in the construction of buildings as slaves. The matzoh (unleavened bread) reminded the people of the haste with which the Israelites fled, leaving no time for the dough to rise.


The four glasses of wine consumed during the Passover represented the four-fold promise of redemption.

Participants in the pageant were: Narrators: Dr. Ellen Mac Lean, Genevieve Oliver; Jesus’ Friends: Lottie Stewart, Wilma Cameron, Diane Mac Kenzie; Jesus: J.R. Marshall; Soldiers: Raymond Cameron, Howard Marshall; Peter: Sandy Ross Robinson: Servant Girl and Friends: Dawn Marshall, Connie and Elise Johnson; Pilate: Alonzo Ferguson: Herod: Sandy Cyr: Women: Frances Sutherland, Kelsey Cameron, Jean Marshall; Barrabas: Elwood Ross: Simon of Cyrene: Alfred White; Organist: Joan Marple.

Thanks are extended to John Lorimer for the arrangements of flowers, New and Western Star Masonic Lodge and Bethel, Scotsburn, for the use of their costumes.