Overcome with grief

This week I have been overcome with grief because our wonderful neighbour of over 40 years died suddenly. Another neighbour of over 50 years had a bad fall entering her church on the same day and she has serious injuries and is still in hospital. In my grief I was asking God why?

The Record arrived one day this week and immediately the cover caught my eye: Living Faith. I opened it up at page five and a letter to the editor WWJ Read by Adrian C. Van Draanen got my attention and it gave me the inspiration to write this letter. I read it over twice so that it would sink in. After all I will be 80 years old in March, if God spares me. At the bottom of page five it says write to us we want to hear from you. So here goes — my first letter to the editor and all because A. C. Van Draanen’s letter motivated me. It was an excellent one and it gave me something to think about and I agree with much of what the writer had to say.

Jesus sent his disciples out to preach the gospel (evangelize) not debate the gospel (argue the point). Matt. 26:11 Jesus said, “You have the poor always but me you have not always.” In today’s world most people don’t want to hear about the Truth of the Bible. The Bible has a severe warning for preachers. (Read Jeremiah Chapter 23.) It starts off with: “Woe unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture saith the Lord.” God is very protective of His sheep and I am one of them. God created us to work together in harmony. My husband and I faithfully attended our Church for over 45 years and we had seven different ministers during that time. Most of them were good, caring, loving people always ready to help. The preacher has an awesome responsibility of looking after the flock.

As I said earlier, the front cover on the Record with the little green book Living Faith caught my attention because I found it to be such a reliable guide to the Truth. I was a member of the Worship and Nature Committee some 20 odd years ago when the church ordered 150 copies. Reading the comments on Living Faith I enjoyed the one written by Rev. Duncan Cameron. I thoroughly enjoyed both articles that I have mentioned.

In closing, I want you to know that I am not learned or eloquent just like A. C. Van Draanen. I depend on good common sense. Hosea 4:6 says: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Living Faith is an excellent study guide. However, most groups in the church today are not interested in prayer meetings and Bible studies. They have made money making projects their god. Thank God, He has given us all the right to choose between good and evil and what is right and what is wrong.