Scotland’s High Suicide Rate Faces Scrutiny at Assembly

The growing problem of suicide among young people was to be discussed at the Church of Scotland’s general assembly in May.

Statistics show Scotland as the part of Britain with the highest incidence of people taking their own lives — information that led to the issue being on the assembly agenda.

Churches are being asked to give their support to the Scottish government’s Choose Life program, which is a 10-year plan aimed at reducing suicides in Scotland by 20 percent by 2013. Television advertisements tell the public they can reach out and help those contemplating suicide by listening, learning, understanding and talking.

“We all have a role to play,” said Rev. Ian Galloway, convener of the Church and Society Council.

“Through our local churches and networks and through Action by Churches Together in Scotland, we are seeking to understand these issues more fully and to offer pastoral support to those who struggle with dark times. It is clear that this is an extremely complex issue, especially in relation to other matters such as homelessness and poverty,” said Rev. Lily Twist, chairperson of the Scotland Methodist District. — ENI