An Excellent Study Guide

Re Living with Living Faith, March

Laurence DeWolfe describes Living Faith as “creed-by-consensus,” “middle-of-the-road,” and as a document that fails to “stir the blood.” In his view, “it makes no bold claim on us or the world.”

It is true that Living Faith merely restates the essential truths of the Christian faith as grounded in the Bible and the Reformed tradition. What is remarkable for me is that it had the temerity to do so at a time and in a culture, which has in large measure turned away from Christ. Even in our own church doubts concerning the core truths of the Christian faith abound. We are constantly told that we must change, be more relevant, adapt to the times, get out of our comfort zone and so on ad nauseum, as if it were time to move past Christ.

In the midst of the confusion and panic both inside and outside the church, along comes Living Faith with its, dare I say it, bold and uplifting restatement of our beliefs in modern and yet reverential language. Its humility in the presence of God’s revelation is magnificent. Thanks be to God.