Canadian Professor Receives Grant to Study Religion References

An academic has received a grant of $2.5 million to lead a study of religious diversity in Canada.

Lori Beaman, professor of religious studies at the University of Ottawa, will head a team of 36 researchers from Australia, Britain, Canada, France and the United States.

One element of the study is an upcoming workshop in India that will examine religion there.

“Then, we can start to build a comparative basis to think about how is religious diversity and religious freedom thought about more globally,” said Beaman.

She said her team would examine the notion of “tolerance” of religions and religious practices.

“Tolerance is an interesting concept, where people often see it as a good thing, and it has been a concept, especially in liberal democracies and in interfaith dialogue, that has been used in a positive way,” said Beaman.

“But, when we say we tolerate someone, what is it we are really saying? How does that feel, and how does that make the person being tolerated feel?” — ENI