Hindu Governor Praises Christians at India Presbyterian Gathering

The Hindu governor of India’s Meghalaya state has at a mass gathering of Presbyterians hailed the role of Christian missionaries in spreading a message of “love, trust and peace in the turbulent tribal societies” of the country’s north-east.

Governor Ranjit S. Mooshahary’s sermon excited many delegates at the 39th General Assembly of the Pres-
byterian Church in India. Speaking to an estimated 25,000 worshippers, Mooshahary quoted from chapter nine of the Book of Isaiah, which looks forward to the birth of the Prince of Peace. The governor noted that “the true purpose of Jesus coming to this world” was to bring peace.

Mooshahary hailed Christian missionaries who “laid down their lives to foster human values in remote areas” of north-east India. “What is most beautiful about religious faith is its ability to give solace to humanity in the strife-torn world,” he said.

The sermon was followed by a homily given by the general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Rev. Setri Nyomi who exhorted those present to “break the chains of injustice” as agents of peace.

“Yes, this is the heart of the Gospel — to be messengers of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our peace,” Nyomi told the crowd. He was focusing on the “Christ our Peace” theme of the assembly and noted that the message of peace “also questions us to examine our lifestyles and ways in which we perpetuate lack of peace for others.”

The Presbyterian assembly was attended by nearly 1,000 delegates belonging to various ethnic and language communities from north-east India. –ENI