Knox, Guelph, Ont.


A few Sunday’s ago I had the opportunity to make an announcement to the congregation. It was with great joy that I was able to direct your attention to the front of the church where an AMAZING array of food, personal items, and soup mixes were on display. All these items were taken to the Fair Share Food Shelf, and will be distributed to anyone who needs assistance in making ends meet on grocery day.

Where did it come from? The soup mixes were assembled by our LOGOS Primary Kids during their Recreation time one week. And they did a fantastic job! Then, the LOGOS youth made a “field trip” to a local grocery store and purchased almost all the items you were able to see (with a few small donations added). It was an interesting experience to shop with 5 (amazing) teenagers. Only because I’m used to “bargain shopping” or “sale shopping” or buying the same “No Name” product at a fraction of the cost for “Brand Name”. I forgot how potentially overwhelming that first grocery store trip can be when you look at an entire shelf of the same product that all cost different amounts!

There were many giggles and several quick lessons, like the ‘geography’ of a grocery store and checking the prices of items before they went in the carts…..oh yeah, and getting it into the RIGHT Cart… as in, OUR cart, not someone else’s!!!! (I think that moment needs to be added to the LOGOS “Gag Reel”……lol ……you Guys know I love you all!!!)

There were lessons in budgeting, realizing the cost of nutritional living, reaching out to someone who has less than you, and so many more. We thank the volunteer from the Fair Share Food Shelf who came in to speak with us and help us make decisions on needed items.

None of this would be possible without your contributions: All the items purchased were bought solely with funds from our pumpkin sale in October. Your support was (and is) phenomenal. All you had to do was look at the stunning visual reminder at the front of the church that Sunday to see that!

Did you ever wonder what 330 pounds of food looks like? Well, friends, that’s what was at the front of our sanctuary that day! Amazing what we can accomplish together, isn’t it?

Lindsay Redpath