A strong marker

Ethnicity has been a strong marker in the Presbyterian Church. I sense that racism, while always a danger, present from time to time, has not been characteristic. But what about linguistic isolation? While Cheol Soon Park was Moderator, the Record published his letters in Korean. Can you not publish other letters or material in another language? Go to a hospital in Toronto and you will find signs in many languages. Why should not every national Sunday bulletin carry a message in some other tongue? Welcome to the Church of Jesus Christ! This week in Arabic, next week in Hungarian, and after that Inuktitut? The Record could do the same with a news item in each issue from an “ethnic” congregation in its language of worship and a translation. For those of us who speak English it would be a reminder of the country we live in and the Church to which we belong. To those of another linguistic heritage it would be recognition of their rightful place in the Church and an invitation to participate further. What are we waiting for?

About Ian S. Wishart, St. John's, Newfoundland/Labrador