VST Principal Visits Taiwan

Rev. Dr. Wendy Fletcher, Principal of Vancouver School of Theology, visited the Tainan Theological College and Seminary in Taiwan in May. The two institutions have a long established relationship.
Taiwan is the home of three Presbyterian seminaries, three Presbyterian hospitals, four Presbyterian universities, and social work projects too many to list here.

“People were so welcoming,” Fletcher said. “There was never a problem with language and getting from the airport to the High Speed Rail was not difficult.”

Tainan Seminary president, Rev. Dr. Fu-Ya Wu welcomed Fletcher. She toured the city and district and the seminary grounds. A Taiwanese minister (and VST graduate) introduced Fletcher to the president and theological faculty at the 50,000-student Chang Jung Christian University. Many of the faculty at Tainan Seminary, as well as Taiwan and Yu-Shan seminaries, have studied at VST or Knox College.

A Tainan Seminary student spends his summer field placement at VST, with the hope that it will become a two-way placement program between Taiwanese and Canadian students. Faculty too could share in short term or sabbatical-related study.

Following her sermon at the seminary, Fletcher headed to Taipei. There she met the denomination’s senior staff and two VST graduates who teach at Yu-Shan Seminary.