A Revival Challenge

I was very excited, as a first-time commissioner to General Assembly, when the Rev. Peter Bush moved that the PCC commit itself to planting 10 congregations a year, for five years (2012-2016). This call to action had all the markings of — dare I say it? — a revival movement in the PCC.
 Animated discussion ensued immediately. Some were anxious about the cost; some feared we may fail. But many caught the vision quickly and were strangely stirred by the possibility.

Imagine my disappointment when the Assembly adopted a watered down amendment to the motion, which had no specific call to action and no time-line in which to act. I wondered if anything could come from this important motion and the time we spent discussing it.
So I am thrilled beyond words to report that the Presbytery of Pickering passed a motion in our June meeting to make it a priority to plan and implement a new ministry in the next two years. In the spirit of the discussion at General Assembly, this ministry could be a congregation or it could be a mission like Evangel Hall; just as long as it is significant ministry.

I’d like to extend a friendly challenge to other presbyteries. We’re going to do it in two years. Could you do it in five? What if all the presbyteries across Canada planted a new ministry in the next five years? That would mean 45 new ministries … in a grassroots fashion that would fulfill the spirit of the Rev. Bush’s motion. This could be the beginnings of a bright new future into which we would all sail together.

Signed by the following members of the Presbytery of Pickering: Bruce Heal, Rev. Linda Larmour, Rev. Issa Saliba, Rev. Fred Stewart, Thomas Lafond, Bernice Bain, Rev. Dennis Cook, Bob Shaw, Rev. Duncan Cameron, John Plumpton, Liz Stark, Rev. Joe Gray, Rev. Ted Thompson, Rev. Wally Whyte, Rev. Lynda Reid, Peter Jackson, Gail Campbell

About Rev. Rebekah Mitchell
, Oshawa, Ont.