GA Has Passion For The Cause

Re Dragging The Anchor, July/August

Calvin Brown’s extended metaphor of a ship dragging anchor on an uncharted course is the complete opposite of my experience of General Assembly and the PCC. I first attended Assembly as an Elder in 2003. I tangibly felt the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in the worship times and prayer times. I loved the example of worshipful work, including devotional times each day, and the Moderator frequently stoped the business of Assembly to pray. Rev. Brown seems to presume that the committees who present reports to Assembly do not pray about their work, or that Presbyteries and Sessions who forward Overtures have not done so in a prayerful and discerning manner. After GA in 2003 I began studies for the ministry and in 2010 I attended as a clergy representative. I attribute my sense of vocational calling, and my vision for ministry directly to the worship and discernment experiences at General Assembly. I am not a “young” person, but Assembly has given me a “passion for the cause… to participate with full excitement in the work and witness of our church”.

About Rev. Wendy Adams, Armstrong, BC