Camp Dedicates Chapel

Camp Kintail in Goderich, Ont., dedicated its new chapel on July 3. About 250 friends of Kintail were present, along with Rev. Tijs Theijsmeijer, moderator of the Synod of Southwestern Ontario.

The chapel was built thanks to donations from across the synod, as well as WMS and women’s groups, congregations, Sunday schools, and individuals. A large gift from the Gert Currie Estate, from Knox, Woodstock, Ont., enabled the project to be completed this year. Every weekend from April to June, volunteers helped build the chapel.

In August 2009 — the same year Kintail celebrated its 80th anniversary — the camp’s previous chapel was decommissioned and dismantled after discovering that it sat just outside camp property.

Kintail also dedicated a new rock-climbing tower, which was built from funds given to the camp after the Presbyterian church in Ailsa Craig, Ont., was closed.  — A.M.