Tithing is Easy

Re Defined by Generosity, May

I notice that while tithing is practiced by some Christians, it is not promoted in the article. I know it is argued that tithing is legalistic and not 19 per cent, but all we possess belongs to the Lord. However, in a society dominated by consumerism and decadence it is easy to end up giving little to charity. I tithe, not because I am generous but because I am selfish and greedy. Also, it simplifies dealing with all the worthy appeals one receives for if there is no money in the monthly tithing account the appeal can be ignored. Tithing makes it easy to calculate what the weekly giving to the church should be.

In the early church, when some soldiers were being baptized they held above the water their right arm so the hand that held the weapon of war was not baptized. Today, many Christian wallets have not been baptized. Tithing helps us overcome pocket-book protection. There is plenty of money around but the church receives little of it.

About Rev. Kenneth G. McMillan, Thornhill, Ont.