Devil Hands

Re Wanted: Excited Christians, March 2007

My wife and I recently attended a nearby Presbyterian church for a concert as a fundraiser for native peoples. As we were a little early for the concert we browsed through a copy of the March 2007 Presbyterian Record which was left at the rear of the sanctuary for interested readers. (I just now realize how old the publication was.)

While it proved to be a fine and informative magazine, I was shocked to see the picture on page 26 of a young girl attending your Canada Youth 2006 conference showing the devil’s hand sign with both her hands. (It’s shown again on page 3.) If you are unaware of the significance of a hand sign with the first and last fingers raised, then do a Google search and make your own judgment.

While it may be that this girl has no idea of the social and satanic significance of what she was doing, I would assume that your editorial staff would have noticed this error and chosen another picture to run in its place. As I would similarly assume that you would reject pictures of a child wearing a T-shirt with a large swastika emblazoned on it or a picture showing a person holding up a closed hand with only the index finger pointing straight up — as most people recognize this obscene gesture as being inappropriate for your publication.

If this matter has already been brought to your attention, then thank you for your time; otherwise I hope that I have assisted you in your continuing work to bring forth the good word to His people.

About Mike Merritt, Havelock, Ont.