Almanarah Dedicates New Building

Almanarah Presbyterian Church, London, Ont., dedicated its new building in September

What began as a small group of Arabic-speaking Christians meeting in a family home has become a congregation of 100 with a new building and dedicated ministry. On Sept. 12, the Presbytery of London met to dedicate the building of Almanarah Presbyterian, London, Ont. The congregation was constituted on May 24 and had been worshipping at St. George’s, London.

Almanarah is a vibrant congregation made up of individuals of Middle Eastern background who worship in Arabic and English. It boasts a very active church school and youth group, and is being served by William Khalil, a graduate of the Presbyterian Seminary in Cairo, Egypt. Khalil was recommended by the Education and Reception Committee of General Assembly to study at Knox College, which he is now doing.

The guest speaker was Moderator Rev. Herb Gale. Presbytery moderator, Rev. Keith McKee, who has also been interim moderator of the congregation since its constitution, led the service of worship. An honoured guest was Rev. Dr. Safwat El-Baiady, president of the Middle East Council of Churches, who happened to be visiting relatives in Canada when he learned of the dedication service.

El-Baiady spoke of the history of his denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Egypt. Western missionaries came to Egypt over 100 years ago to plant churches. Now Presbyterians are coming from Egypt and other countries to help the Western Church establish new congregations.

Nurtured by the Presbytery of London and the generous support of Canada Ministries, this congregation is a witness to Christ within the Arabic-speaking population of Canada’s tenth largest city. — Keith McKee