A Brother’s Love

He never wrote of war

Folded, brown air-mail envelopes

Flew from country to country.

Mine a youthful scrawl

His writing small and precise.

He wrote of things worlds away

Nurses, he’d met …

Never spoke of his war wounds.

I wrote of girl-friends, “saddle shoes”

And “sock-hops”.

The years slipped by

His war wounds leaving their mark

My life was full

A special boy, a ring, a wedding…

Two baby girls.

He sent toys, books

And tiny lacey dresses

For his “princesses.”

His health failed.

At the end he gave me a brave salute

His pillow sprinkled with my tears.

So many memories…stories, laughter

A dancing kilt, a prickly mustache,

A brother’s love.

For me, Remembrance Day comes more than once a year.