Change is Common at Church Offices

The reconfiguration process at national offices began in the 1980s; the merger of the boards of Congregational Life, Ministry and World Mission to create the Life and Mission Agency and Support Services was approved at General Assembly in 1990 and implemented between 1990 and 1992. It was intended to create a “leaner” system with “clear lines of demarcation” between the work of offices and staff, and also intended a reduction in the number of staff.

The proposed restructuring plan included recommendations for the development of “staff teams at the synod level” and suggested that some responsibilities from the national level, especially those “related to education/nurture and mission programs” be moved to the synod or regional level so that “the result will be delivery of support services closer to the congregations.” There are currently 15 regional staff funded by the LMA and the Women’s Missionary Society and employed by the church’s eight synods. A $200,000 cut from the WMS’s yearly funding for regional staff came into effect in 2010.

In 2008 a new department, the Vine, incorporated four offices – Worship, Evangelism and Church Growth, Education for the Faith, and Ministry with Children and Youth – which were previously run by two associate secretaries. As part of the change, the two positions were replaced with a single team leader.

Effective January, the Vine and Canada Ministries will merge to create a single department headed by one associate secretary. – C. Purvis