Sympathy and Sadness

Re Teen Leaves Church After Role in Pride Day Questioned, October

I am upset and saddened by what has taken place in the church in New Westminster, B.C.

Tory Inglis, in my opinion, is a first-class Christian model for all young people.

God knows her, loves her and wants her. Yet society, and even some members of our beloved church, remain ignorant of the “nature of things.” I feel that the majority prefers to remain ignorant; it is easier and more pleasant.

There is a splendid, many-years-old group which meets monthly in St. Andrew’s on Simcoe Street in Toronto. St. Andrew’s Gay and Lesbian Association has, and has had, the approval of the several ministers and members of the kirk session over the years. I am a longtime member of SAGA.

Please Inglis family, don’t leave the Presbyterian Church; we need you and we are proud of Tory.

Our family has taken part in Toronto Gay Pride Day since its start, a long time ago. I am a very aged person! My children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren take gay and lesbian friends as friends, no hyphenated title required.