Did You Fast for Change?

Canadian Foodgrains Bank is inviting Canadians to share their experiences with Fast for Change, which happened on World Food Day, Oct. 16. Stories will be shared on the Fast for Change website and possibly with fellow participants. Email James Kornelsen, CFGB’s public engagement coordinator, at
j_kornelsen@foodgrainsbank.ca to let him know how you, your family, congregation or group fasted for change, and how this experience was significant. Include your name, church or group, and location.

This year Fast for Change focused on food production and called everyone into a deeper relationship with God, the earth, and communities. The initiative offers resource materials to help learn about and reflect on food justice issues, and gives Canadians an opportunity to “stand in solidarity with hungry people.”

CFGB works to end hunger in developing countries, and is supported by the Presbyterian Church. Visit fastforchange.ca for more information. – AM