New Homes and Old Troubles

June 24, 2005

We were down to Edmonton last week. Saw a new doctor who believes Harry’s cancer in his neck is the same as in his chest. He did mention a new experimental drug out in Toronto that might have some effect but it is hard on the heart and Harry has already had one heart attack.

We are trying to get rid of his dizziness with neck exercises but we will have to see a neurologist.

I have had some real “bottoming out” times recently, but God pulls me up by the boot straps and we have wonderful friends that sustain us. They are our earthly angels.

Harry’s friend  passed away yesterday. He and Harry were diagnosed with cancer at the same time. It isn’t always easy accepting these things and it makes us concerned about what the future holds for us.

Our old house is so precious and the yard particularly beautiful this spring, but like some old, dear friends, it is nearly time to say goodbye.  We are having fun fussing over things for the new place and it has pulled us together and taken our minds off Harry’s cancer.

I have been praying for good health for myself too.  God knows what I need and will provide.

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September 2, 2005

Back down to Edmonton. The doctor said the trial treatment is no longer available. So that door is closed.

Celebrated Alberta’s 100th birthday!  There were fireworks and lots of friends over to enjoy them. The fireworks are always set off over the lake in front of the house and we usually have a whole bunch of people here watching from our big front deck.  This will be the last time we will be able to do this and my heart breaks a little.  We’ve had so many wonderful fireworks parties here through the years.

I pulled some plants out to take to our new place. I’m an avid gardener and I love each one of them, but can’t take many with me … it isn’t easy.

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November 21, 2005

Well, we are into our new house and all settled! It is lovely. I don’t miss the old house but I do miss all the birds, my little plants and my lake view.

We see the doctor in Edmonton on Friday.  We found out that the dizziness Harry has is caused by the radiation burning off the fine hairs in his right ear.  It may recover, time will tell.  There seems to be no end to the problems associated with this cancer and the five hour road trip to Edmonton doesn’t get any shorter.

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December 5, 2005

Well good news and bad news. No more trips to Edmonton.  The cancer clinic here in town will now look after Harry.  But there are more spots on his lungs, although the large tumor has not grown.  The doctor says to wait until spring and get a CT scan and that he might need chemotherapy.  I pray it will all go into remission. I try to keep him as healthy as I can and leave the rest in the hands of God and the doctors. He still enjoys his computer games and TV and that is a blessing. But he is wheezing and that concerns me.  We wonder what the new year will bring.

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March 17, 2006

We celebrated Harry’s birthday and Lyn was up and we had a wonderful visit. I made strudels and everyone pigged-out. It was a great family time and he loved it.

He is very happy with his new doctor here at the cancer clinic. She says his cancer does not respond well to chemotherapy but they may radiate his lesions.  But she also said not to spend all our money as he may be around for a while yet. Harry has a great sense of humor and responds easily to this kind of dialogue.  Right now all is well, no cough, slight wheeze but not much energy. He no longer mall-walks but does ride his indoor bike.

We are planning a trip to Ireland in May. As travel consultants, we have been to many places in the world but somehow missed Ireland.  Our friends are coming with us so we will not be alone. It’s so good to have something to look forward to.

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April 5, 2006

A very bad week! Harry had some sort of spell last Saturday and couldn’t get out of his chair. We took him to emergency and he felt better after a couple of hours.  He was very upset about cancelling our trip but it couldn’t be helped. I’m not happy when he is unhappy and he was so disappointed.  I couldn’t care less about the trip … it was his little spell that worried me and what it was all about.

Earlier that week I had had an accident with the car. Why do these things happen when you are so vulnerable? Funny, how you carry the “cancer” load and still have to handle all the natural disasters that are a part of life.

Harry has finally settled down but his blood pressure is high and he is looking grey and weary.  His dizziness is a burden but he is not nauseous with it and can still drive and golf … he enjoys that so much.

The new house is a joy. It is a place I hope we can stay for many more years.  Right now it is good to share these special months together, with the promise of a good summer right around the corner.