Be Church

Witnessing the Message

We’ve gone beyond the day where we build a building and people will come. Church buildings don’t necessarily attract and increasingly I find congregations are saying it’s when we go out of the building that we are church.

The Called Out Community

The question we constantly ask ourselves is: What is God calling us to do here? How do we read the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3) in our city in light of the biblical and reformed tradition on which we stand?

A New Thing

Everywhere I look in the church today, I see congregations struggling to survive. What, I ask myself, does this mean for God’s church? Has God abandoned the church?


Music, food, face – painting, balloons and bubbles floating on the breeze, tents and stalls along the pathways, crowds of people glad to be together in the sunshine. It didn’t feel like General Assembly at all.