A Malawian Perspective

Church Should Know People’s Needs

During this daylong visit, I discovered that the church on a weekday was full of activities ranging from book club, choirs, Bible study, youth groups and fellowship groups, among others. My mind was temporarily taken back to Malawi where the church has tried to be inclusive by incorporating a wide range of activities.

My First Sunday Church Experience

I learned that there is only one service which starts at 10:30 in the morning. I wondered how it could be possible for such a seemingly heavily populated area to have only one service, considering that the church building was not vast enough to accommodate the large congregation I expected to see on my first Sunday. I visualized a large gathering of worshippers coming from all directions.

Only Heaven Is Far

Back home in Malawi there is a popular saying which may be literally translated as “only heaven is far.” I reflected on the rationale behind this concept after spending over 22 hours in the belly of a bird, flying from my home to yours here in Canada.