The Messy Table


A confession of faith which brings about change. Up until this point, Peter has seen and heard many new things from Jesus. But returning home was possible, wasn’t it?


Yesterday, the Spouse and I celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary. But this isn’t the year for fancy dinners or weekends away. Instead, we went to […]

In the Middle

A quiet spot on the morning. The neighbourhood feels quiet around us. Come tomorrow, there will be fuss and rushing and routine again and we’ll resume our busy ways. And that’s just right for Easter, too. Because Easter happens in the middle.

An All-Ages Easter

We are an Easter people. We need to show our children that Easter is important to adults. This is the biggest story of our year. If nothing else, we want kids to catch a glimpse of that. Easter matters to us. The Easter story is the joyful centre of who we are.