
Storms of Life

A few minutes ago there was a terrible flash of light and a loud clap of thunder and the house darkened. No TV, no car (can’t get the garage door open), no phone (land line) and no lights.


Now there is a title that will touch the heart of any reader and I hope my story will touch your heart or give you a good laugh as it did me.


Amazing how that one little word “roots” contains implications of so much. I have done a bit of “root digging” and found out some interesting things.


Outside the club house at our condo is a large sheet of asphalt. It is a great parking space for those picking up their mail there. Beyond the road is a row of poplars…golden and glorious as always this fall. Some leaves have already been shed and the asphalt is sprinkled with them.

Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

We just had one of those beautiful autumn afternoons that melt your heart…warm west wind (the farmers will be delighted), drifting clouds and a warm but not hot sun. I sat on the back deck with the sun on my back and just drank it all in. I know it won’t last forever.

What Is Hidden Will Be Revealed

I spent two years living in an RCAF apartment complex with many other airforce personnel. It was exceedingly difficult to get into these quarters and actually through a stint of a couple of beers with the housing officer, my husband’s name was moved up the list. Yup, sometimes it is who you know.

As God Sees It

I have been blessed to see many parts of our beautiful world during our travel agency days but like most things when you look for them, they are there, right under your nose. Such was the case when I went with three friends for a day trip north of town.