
My First Sunday Church Experience

I learned that there is only one service which starts at 10:30 in the morning. I wondered how it could be possible for such a seemingly heavily populated area to have only one service, considering that the church building was not vast enough to accommodate the large congregation I expected to see on my first Sunday. I visualized a large gathering of worshippers coming from all directions.

Miracle Monday

It is a miracle story – and as such presents a few problems when we read it today. We’re not quite sure what to do with miracles. Embrace them? Avoid them? Dismiss them? Wonder if they are anachronistic expressions of… what?

Please Not Another Fish Story

I can see some of you shaking your heads and saying…that lady really needs to get a life. Another fish story? Well sorry, but besides me they are the only live things in the house and the four of us (three little fishes and me) just have each other.

Pigeon Alert

Parking at our hospital is at a premium and many of us make arrangements to be dropped off and picked up, rather than go through the process of trying to find a parking place.

Only Heaven Is Far

Back home in Malawi there is a popular saying which may be literally translated as “only heaven is far.” I reflected on the rationale behind this concept after spending over 22 hours in the belly of a bird, flying from my home to yours here in Canada.