
A Week Ahead

The week ahead is an interesting one. Pancake Tuesday. Ash Wednesday. Valentine’s Day. NiteKirk on Friday night. And a week off school for my kids. This morning opens with a family peanut butter factory at the other end of the table. It’s one of those February days when you can believe that spring in coming. The light is gentle and the sky finally open.


This morning is one of those mad winter days when the wind blows everything across the sky. The clouds are dark, bringing snow or worse, but every so often they are scattered and the sun breaks through, changing everything. It’s a good day to read about the transfiguration.

Hands-on Living

… it’s also being able the celebrate their goodness, not just for the pleasure of eating them, but for the pleasure of having crafted them. There’s a messiness and a joy to this hands-on kind of living.