
November Wind

It’s one of those blustery November mornings around here. The garden gate is crashing open and clamming shut. The sky is empty of birds, but full of leaves, and the trees are madly shaking their branches as if trying to get everything to stop and sit still for just one moment.
I know just how they feel.

Loving Libraries and the Lord

Today I introduced some friends to our new library. It’s a long way from the very first library I visited, with its oiled floor and single bulbs hanging on a long strings from the ceiling. I have a deep love for books and the library is one of my favourite places.

Picnics Outside the Park

I’m having a pretending picnic—actually I have them often. To many people who are now single, mealtimes are the loneliest time of the day. Most of our lives are spent working to buy meals, preparing meals, anticipating meals, eating meals and cleaning up after meals. You don’t think much about it until there are so few meals to prepare.

A fourth birthday

It was Blue’s birthday on Saturday so he came into our room early. Groggy parents greeted him appropriately, but at first, he flatly denied that it was his birthday. Of course, it probably didn’t seem like it yet. Mum and Dad were still in bed, and the house was definitely lacking in friends and balloons.