
Can we talk?

The past few days, in the wake of the violence in Orlando, have revealed the challenge that “progressives” and “traditionalists” within the Presbyterian Church have in talking to one another about human sexuality and identity.


I taught a class this year at my son’s homeschool co-op. One of the topics was rainbows and as we dug into how they were formed we discovered that rainbows aren’t arches, they are instead full circles of magnificent colour in the sky.

Hidden Danger

We were having a wonderful time when she looked quizzically at me and said, “There is a grasshopper sitting right beside your ear on the back of your chair.” WOW!!! I was out of that chair like a shot.

Loving Lilies and the Lord

It is summer…I sit out on the deck enjoying the heat. No complaints from me. As a previous travel agent’s wife, I know that in months people will be paying thousands of dollars to sit in Florida, Arizona or Hawaii, to have a day like today.

Gracious Gifts from God

I visited my friend Anne recently. She is the one who is such a good cook and has a spotless kitchen. We talked about our school years and the things we loved best about those long ago days. She said she liked Chemistry. Ah, so that explains it.

Farming Failures

I have some photos of myself as a young girl, standing in the back garden. I liked the garden, there was always something to eat there…fresh peas, new carrots and raspberries.