
Happy Reformation Day

Wednesday isn’t just Halloween. It’s Reformation Day, too. 495 years since Luther took his hammer to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg. I had a minister in Ottawa who thumbtacked the theses to our church door to celebrate. Quirky but good, I thought. So maybe this might be considered my own form of thumbtacking. Trick or treat…

Falling in Love

Now that’s a title that should capture your attention! I heard that phrase this morning while watching TV. The young lady was describing her relationship with the Lord. She said she loved Him, then she said, “No, I am IN LOVE with Him.”

Good Listening

Thinking about stories this morning. There are library books due back and piles of books needing a shelf and tea in my cup so I took a moment to read before sorting. No news there perhaps.


Sometimes amazing things happen in church. This morning I sat behind a friend. Actually they are all my friends, but this particular one is bravely facing cancer. When the Men’s Choir anthem title was announced she turned to me and said, “I asked them to sing that for me.”


“When you send forth your spirit, they are created, and the face of the earth is renewed.” Psalm 104 v. 30
This morning was one of the gorgeous October days when the air is crisp and good, and the sky is bright. The kids are on holiday from school this week, and today was a day for outside.

Behold I Make All Things New

When I was a student (a very long time ago), our art teacher set up some fruit in a basket on his desk. He instructed us to spend our class time trying to capture that image on paper. The next day he tacked the drawings on the wall. How very different each one was.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, I’m thankful for… Bright light. Isn’t October beautiful? The air is crisp and good, and the sky can be so bright. This is a snapshot of the sky over my church last week. When the sky lights up like this, it is easy to get your eyes off your feet and feel thankful.