
A Part of the Puzzle

A number of years ago, when we had a travel agency, my husband had an office photo taken. Our staff consisted of five young ladies and me. I was the “go-for”, the window decorator and not so good at filing our little bookkeeper informed me one day. But we were a great group and my husband loved all of us.

The Hats We Wear

Most seniors have worn so many hats that it is no wonder they are confused. A friend of mine confessed at church coffee time, that at a recent family affair, she was a great-grandma for the first time. It was disconcerting as she kept looking up every time someone said “grandma” and it is her daughter that is now “grandma”.

Imitating and Eating

This week’s lectionary work keeps pace with the words of John’s Gospel, walking slowly through chapter six from the feeding of the five thousand and through to the passages about the bread from heaven. Bread and more bread

Laughing Out Loud

My late husband was perhaps best known for his enthusiasm and sense of humor. I knew he had a serious side but my friends had sat with him during hockey and football games. They knew he was a noisy spectator and fun to be with.

Offering space at the table

I’ve got a brain full of hospitality today. All the bread scriptures in the last few weeks’ lectionary are probably part of it. As are the personal circumstances. We’ve been offered holiday space by a church friend with a house in France.

Best thing since…

It felt like a complete win. We were in the grocery store and getting to that stage where we were a little desperate for something to eat. I have been known to pick up raisin scone to scarf on the way home. (The Spouse is classier by far and buys baguette.)

It’s Okay to Grow Older

My four year old great nephew was an avid Star Wars fan and loved acting out the parts. On a visit to his home, he gave us all specific roles to play. When he came to me he took one look at my white hair and pronounced…”It’s too late for you Auntie Pat.”

On the Isle of Iona

There is a line from a song by John Bell of the Iona Community that has taken on new meaning for the pilgrims: “At night, as I dreamt, God summoned the day; for God never sleeps, but patterns the morning with slithers of gold or glory in grey.”