
Go and Bellow

Last Sunday, I got to yell the gospel. Of course, it was due to a microphone malfunction in church, but it made for a memorable experience – and a good lead into this Sunday’s gospel reading in the lectionary.

My friend Joe

This winter, after we renovated our house, we put it on the market expecting that it would sell quickly. After a week or so, our real estate agent was disappointed. Why hasn’t it sold? we kept asking ourselves. It looked great, we were getting lots of traffic, and we thought it was well priced. We were stumped.

Playing in the Kitchen

Last week, I mentioned procrastination. And then, like any good polysyllabic word, it started cropping up everywhere. It’s been that kind of week.
Front and centre were the cheesy fish. Which started with the cookie cutter.

GA and the Diamond Jubilee

This morning, I got to read scripture on the BBC. The service was part of the on-going Diamond Jubilee celebrations and went out live on BBC Radio 4 long wave. I’m currently working in Scotland at Canongate Kirk, the Queen’s parish church in Edinburgh, and though I can’t say broadcasting was part of my job description, I’m glad to be let in on the fun and history marking.

Here I am

“Here I am, Lord. It is I, Lord. I have heard you calling in the night.” I don’t have enough fingers and toes to figure out how many times I sang these words at how many campfires. We’re probably talking hairs on my head at least. Goodness me, I would sing it frontwards and backwards and probably while bailing a sinking canoe blindfolded.
But the story is much harder to hear than the song.

Letters from the Past

I have always been somewhat sentimental and have kept precious things. I knew the letters were there but I did not have the courage to read them after my husband died. I felt it might hurt too much. Am I ready for this, I ask myself?

Mother Tongues

I’ve been thinking about the lectionary as a tool for a while. You might have noticed. Some weeks, I use this space to write of nothing but. Others, I may dip into the lectionary readings, but spend more time talking through the little happenings of my little family’s life, spilling them out across the table, and hoping that they fall into some sense of order that might bring clarity.

God’s Gifts

Some of you may remember that old song “There’s a blue bird on my window sill…” Last week there was one on mine…well not a blue bird but a blue jay.

The window is covered with a screen but I am sure he would have come right into the house if it hadn’t been there…he tried twice.