
When did we see you?

I’m having a tricky time looking into this week’s readings. I’m still stuck at the end of last week – the wise and foolish bridesmaids, the waiting, the kairos moment of arrival. This past week, I’ve been in Germany for the wedding of a dear friend, so last week’s text inevitably resonates with me.

The Lightness of Forgiveness

I’ve lost my stress list…you know that one that tells you how many points you get for each degree of stress.

But I knew I was well over the top…my computer had crashed, my TV receiver was not receiving and in making a point, with a friend, I had been a bit harsh and undiplomatic.

Learners on the Road

Jesus’ twelve named friends are students on the road. And aren’t we all?
Isn’t that a wonderful way to look at these lives we’ve been given? Sent-out and called to learn as we go.

What Lights Up Your Life

The view out the living room window is the reason we bought the house. There is a winding road edged by large poplars and fir trees that leads out to the access avenue. Beyond all this is a view of the city, sitting in the lap of the surrounding hills and way beyond that a glimpse of snow covered mountains.

Winter or summer the view delights the eye.

But like life, there are always things that spoil what was perfect.

Baking Daily Bread

Monday morning and baking bread. I just got the loaves out of the pans and the house smells like home. But it was a bit of a wrestle.
I went to the garden centre this morning while the bread was finishing its rise, and came back with a great selection of seeds. So, as I was prepping the pans for the loaves, I was thinking ahead to my glorious summer garden. I buttered the sides of the pans as usual, and then forgot the bottoms.

Lent begins with discipline

Lent begins and, with it, an emphasis on spiritual disciplines. The big ones: fasting, meditation, silence. And storytelling.
Because reading stories is a spiritual discipline, too. We don’t label it like that at bedtime, but it is.


Finally, we couldn’t stand it any longer and we rapped on the door.

“Could we please pick some of your apricots?” we begged. “They are falling off the trees and we can’t stand seeing them go to waste.”