
The Stuff of Thanksgiving

October is visitors’ month in our new home. It’s happily inevitable when you move to a new place. Though, come to think of it, our summer was pretty full of visitors, too. And we rationalized that as being happily inevitable when you are moving away from an interesting place. Either way, I’m happy because it means that there will be more people around my table. That’s the stuff of thanksgiving for me.

Key Rings and Bananas

My key ring’s getting a bit bashed up. I bought it six years ago, when I had just completed the Camino de Santiago. As you can see, the yellow paint is chipping away. I liked the key ring a lot then – I’d just spent a month walking across Spain, following spray-painted yellow arrows all the way. They are there to keep the pilgrims on track. And, for the most part, they work.

Carry On

The last time I got a pet and it died, I vowed I would never involve myself again in that kind of grief. The years have slipped by and I still pat dogs and cuddle kittens, but they are not mine … no way, the last lost puppy nearly did me in.

Why Do We Live In Families?

The people of our family take care of us and teach us about the world as we grow up. Our parents, brothers, sisters, and other relatives love us, watch over us, give us shelter, and protect us from harm. They offer us security, comfort, physical contact and care. Family provides a constant in any child’s life.

Families Theme

To my friends,
September is an exciting time of year with the start-up of school. I have a young neighbour who started school last year. He is really excited to see his old friends again. He loves to learn and one important thing he learned in Junior Kindergarten was about families.

After September 11

Ten years ago, I sat by myself on a fourth-hand futon and watched the television. It was a bit strange – to watch history unravel by myself – and also strange because I had recently moved into the Blob.


Today, I just want to write about tomatoes. It’s September and the season of proper tomatoes.

It’s also the week of our move, and the kitchen’s packed away. We’ve been working through the last of the pasta and frozen peas.

A few

A few days spent in a foreign country often wake you up a bit. And by foreign, I mean somewhere you don’t speak the language.

Like an Onion Skin

I didn’t realize until after my husband died how many layers I had put on my personality during his illness. They were there to protect me and in honesty, to continue a façade that would protect my daughters.

Seeing sites

Tomorrow, I’ll be going to Stonehenge. The Spouse and I are tag-teaming host duties for the in-laws: each day one of us sets off in the rental car for some English explorations while the other stays home to get some work done. The kids go out every day, spending as much time as possible with the grandparents because, really that’s what this visit is about.