
Wedding Hope

As the Record’s London correspondent, I suppose it would be remiss to ignore the royal wedding. It would also be a little tricky, given the household were I spent my time.

Bread and Paper Flowers

I am writing this late on Saturday night, after a long day. It’s been a day of preparation, and lots of it. Up early to get some dough made, then kids to breakfast, and off grocery shopping early, hoping to avoid the crowds. Not too many bumps along the way, not too much extraneous chocolate in the shopping basket. All well.


Yesterday at church, we were celebrating together. The service started with palms, of course. The children gathered in the Session Room before the service, and I equipped them with the greenery.

To the one who sat beside me

I saw you on the Tube today with all those suitcases. You looked tired. I think you just got here – you had that look. I remember it from my own face, too. Maybe you didn’t sleep on the plane; maybe you are just overwhelmed by all the noise, all the faces. I smiled a bit when our eyes met, but I think I just made you feel awkward and a bit defensive, so I looked back to my book.

Lent and Purim

My table has been messy with baking this afternoon. They say that Lenten Sundays are feast days, and so I obliged. Though it’s not just Lent that got me feasting. It’s really Purim.

Japan in the Museum

It is proving to be a difficult Lent. The news is so full of upheaval and suffering. Devastation. Desolation. World events before which we fall silent.

We want to respond, despite our distance, but we don’t know what to do. We don’t even know how to grasp all this suffering. Our imaginations seem poor. But we want to respond.

Paper Stained Glass

Part of my job description is to throw parties. No joke. I am to provide social activities for our congregation. So, as I mentioned in last week’s post, I threw a party last Saturday in the church hall.

A Turn for the Worse

Well … so much has happened … all these problems here with our new unit have caused us so much grief that Harry says “sell” but I am not sure if we can take another move. I have left it in God’s hands. Some day we will look back and understand the “why’s” of all these recent upsets … I know we are not forsaken but oh, I feel so fragile!

More Lenten creativity

The Spouse was ranting this morning at breakfast. Okay, an exaggeration, that. No one at our breakfast this morning could muster the energy required for a rant. We’ve just had a very full weekend. Friday was Beangirl’s first Photo Day at school, and, in the evening, I had a Kirk Session meeting. Saturday was spent at church, enjoying a rather chaotic and happy afternoon of messy crafts and games with the Sunday School children. Then yesterday…

New Homes and Old Troubles

We were down to Edmonton last week. Saw a new doctor who believes Harry’s cancer in his neck is the same as in his chest. He did mention a new experimental drug out in Toronto that might have some effect but it is hard on the heart and Harry has already had one heart attack.