
Got Laughed At.

When I started this blog, I was thinking about the on-going lived theology of living with little ones. I wanted to look at parenting as an experiment in the best possible sense: living out your beliefs with those you love.
Well, in the midst of the experimenting this past week, I got laughed at.

A little Lent reading

There are two weeks now until Lent, so I thought that this might be a good moment to share some resources with you. Close enough to the date to be immediate, but with time enough for you to still do some planning.


Oh, the blessings of a church family! Harry stayed home, cuddled up in front of the fireplace but I went to church. It was so good to see everyone. I got so many warm hugs.

Jonah and Bieber Fever

My niece is crazy about Justin Bieber. I don’t quite know what to do with that. We were at her birthday party this past summer and got to watch the swarm of small girls on the sofa pass around a freshly-unwrapped album and swoon together. Like watching a nature film, I thought. Choreographed at the instinctual level.

Seeking Comfort and Normalcy

The volunteers at the Cross Cancer Clinic gave me tea and cookies today while I was waiting for Harry. It made me weep. After so many years as a hospital volunteer, I was touched by having the roles reversed. It was a somewhat humbling experience.

Okay, Open or Shut?

On Monday morning I went to ask God for a sign and found the cathedral locked. I’m trying hard to read this as a sign to look for God in other places than cathedrals, and not to stop looking for God.

Vancouver Poet, Adrienne Smith

Leaving Home

We have the yard nearly ready for winter and most everything packed for our trip. We got little information on this place where we are going to stay. I couldn’t get a unit number or a phone number. All this confusion just adds to the stress levels we are experiencing.

Listening to Sermons

I was washing the dishes when I heard the speech. There’s something about the hands-in-suds pose, isn’t there? I do a lot of listening at the sink. The radio murmurs on during the clatter of dinner prep or in the quiet in the afternoon, but when I run the hot water tap and pile in the plates and the ears turn on. Of course, speech is the same speech everyone else has been talking about this past week – US President Barack Obama’s speech at last Wednesday’s memorial service in Tucson, honouring the victims of the January 8th shooting.

Of Surgery

Finally some definite news! Harry’s to get his three teeth extracted locally. His surgery is booked for July 3, so we’ll probably drive to Edmonton Sunday, pre-admission is Tuesday, and maybe on Monday we can make arrangements for accommodation when we are there for Harry’s radiation.

Bread and New Year

Happy New Year. Here’s a recipe for you. A messy table gift, if you like, maybe a challenge. You can do this with your kids, if you want a family adventure. Or lock them out of the kitchen and tackle it on your own. Let me know how it goes.