
Kids at Work

Beangirl was sick at home two days this week. Not much fun anytime, but it is really hard when you have just started at a new school. So we have been trying to keep fun on the agenda. In between long naps on the sofa and the general business of feeling dreadful.

Working and Resurrection

Andrew Stephens-Rennie posted this brief but provocative thought on Empire Remixed this week, and I wanted to share the idea here. Is he onto something? Are we mainlining Presbys wishy-washy on resurrection?


A couple of months ago, I went to the baptism of a little boy named Isaac. He is the son of good friends of mine and the happy first born in their family. The baptism wasn’t in a Presbyterian church, so some of the liturgical furniture was a little different. But that was all to the good.

Competing Christianities

Although we’re almost a month past the bonfire date, that issue is still in the air, primarily because it wasn’t a new issue in the first place. The Rev. Terry Jones merely announced an already awkward reality, loudly and dangerously.

Of Things Old and New

September is always about the creation of the world. After the summer’s haphazard ways, we find new patterns and new ways of being. It is, as Thomas Merton once wrote, the time of year when everyone is filled with ambition.

Church Stones

Growing up, every Sunday morning saw me in a big stone church in downtown Ottawa. I was one of the kids in the pale blue choir gowns, my pigtails scruffily bunched up (again), much to my mother’s chagrin.