
Shoemakers and Shoes

I pushed hard against the peeling, painted door. As it opened, my senses were filled with wonderful odours … leather, shoe polish, oiled wood floors. Such a heady perfume could take my breath away.


Reading these stories, you know that to be somewhere cosy and bright and with family is to be connected to a greater goodness. And sometimes that’s hard because the house is small and being a little sister and a big sister at the same time isn’t easy.

Happy Mother’s Day

Memory loss is everywhere these days. Culturally, we seem fascinated with it. It’s like a Rubik’s cube that we keep picking up, not really expecting to solve it but playing with it nonetheless because it’s so intriguing.

Second Wind

I grinned as my eyes slid over the old photo of us, grubby but smiling, sitting around the campfire at the end of the climb. We’d been so young and full of enthusiasm. I’d learned something special that day; something that has stood by me through the years.

The Parable of the Lost Sock

Our first winter in an RV park in the States was a unique experience. There is a lot of “togetherness” in an RV. Living in about 200 square feet of space was cozy, and with neighbours almost on your doorstep many previous personal experiences were now shared with strangers.

A Childhood Bible

I gently lift my old Bible out of a musty storage box. Its top cover is loose so I’m careful. It holds a lot of memories. Inside it says: “Given to Patsy from Mother”, December 25, 1944. On the inside first page in fading pencil is written: “BA 1951 .”