Patricia Schneider

The Bend in the Road

From my window I look southwest. About 60 feet ahead there is a bend in the road.

Of course I know where it goes. I’ve lived here for over six years. But someone else driving here for the first time may not know.

Loving Libraries and the Lord

Today I introduced some friends to our new library. It’s a long way from the very first library I visited, with its oiled floor and single bulbs hanging on a long strings from the ceiling. I have a deep love for books and the library is one of my favourite places.

Picnics Outside the Park

I’m having a pretending picnic—actually I have them often. To many people who are now single, mealtimes are the loneliest time of the day. Most of our lives are spent working to buy meals, preparing meals, anticipating meals, eating meals and cleaning up after meals. You don’t think much about it until there are so few meals to prepare.

Falling in Love

Now that’s a title that should capture your attention! I heard that phrase this morning while watching TV. The young lady was describing her relationship with the Lord. She said she loved Him, then she said, “No, I am IN LOVE with Him.”


Sometimes amazing things happen in church. This morning I sat behind a friend. Actually they are all my friends, but this particular one is bravely facing cancer. When the Men’s Choir anthem title was announced she turned to me and said, “I asked them to sing that for me.”

Behold I Make All Things New

When I was a student (a very long time ago), our art teacher set up some fruit in a basket on his desk. He instructed us to spend our class time trying to capture that image on paper. The next day he tacked the drawings on the wall. How very different each one was.

Small Letter Changes

I am a bit of a hoarder. Well, really I just keep things I feel I might use sometime in the future. When my girls finally have to clean out this place they are not going to think fondly on this habit that is left over from my early years.

Always Learning

Fear of messing things up has kept me from trying out these new things and I am a bit ashamed, especially when I recall the girl who at 18 took a train across Canada, who at 22 walked onto a ship (a very old ship) with her young husband and tiny baby and sailed to France.

A Part of the Puzzle

A number of years ago, when we had a travel agency, my husband had an office photo taken. Our staff consisted of five young ladies and me. I was the “go-for”, the window decorator and not so good at filing our little bookkeeper informed me one day. But we were a great group and my husband loved all of us.

The Hats We Wear

Most seniors have worn so many hats that it is no wonder they are confused. A friend of mine confessed at church coffee time, that at a recent family affair, she was a great-grandma for the first time. It was disconcerting as she kept looking up every time someone said “grandma” and it is her daughter that is now “grandma”.

Laughing Out Loud

My late husband was perhaps best known for his enthusiasm and sense of humor. I knew he had a serious side but my friends had sat with him during hockey and football games. They knew he was a noisy spectator and fun to be with.