Patricia Schneider

It’s Okay to Grow Older

My four year old great nephew was an avid Star Wars fan and loved acting out the parts. On a visit to his home, he gave us all specific roles to play. When he came to me he took one look at my white hair and pronounced…”It’s too late for you Auntie Pat.”

Of Cats and Dogs

I’m a cat lover. I hope that won’t alienate any of my readers but I have loved so many cats. Some years ago when I had the opportunity to visit the house I grew up in, there was a cat sitting in the kitchen window…it made the visit perfect, for cats had always lived in that house.

Letters from the Past

I have always been somewhat sentimental and have kept precious things. I knew the letters were there but I did not have the courage to read them after my husband died. I felt it might hurt too much. Am I ready for this, I ask myself?

God’s Gifts

Some of you may remember that old song “There’s a blue bird on my window sill…” Last week there was one on mine…well not a blue bird but a blue jay.

The window is covered with a screen but I am sure he would have come right into the house if it hadn’t been there…he tried twice.

Living Forever

A very long time ago I called my two pre-teen daughters into the bedroom and sat them down on each side of me. I looked very serious and they looked at me quizzically…obviously I had something important to say.

Fond Farewells

I stand at the back of the church and look at the faces I have loved for so many years. I will still love them, but no longer will I meet with them, laugh with them and sing with them every Thursday night. I have handed in my resignation to choir.

The Spoken Word

I sat beside a lady in the doctor’s office this week. We both had our noses buried in books, knowing it would be at least a half hour before we were called. (It was actually a full hour.) Across the room sat two teenagers. Their faces were glued to their cell phones. I have never seen such concentration!


I just burned four dozen cookies. I quickly dumped them in a plastic bag and hauled them to the garbage container outside. Oh yes, you can no longer see them but you can sure smell them.

The Lightness of Forgiveness

I’ve lost my stress list…you know that one that tells you how many points you get for each degree of stress.

But I knew I was well over the top…my computer had crashed, my TV receiver was not receiving and in making a point, with a friend, I had been a bit harsh and undiplomatic.