Patricia Schneider

Of Confusion and Patience

I have two widowed close friends but the rest of my friends are couples. What is my new role with them or is that gone too? I understand being “widowed” but I don’t want to accept the term “widow”… There is no future in the term “widow” and I have to believe in a future.

Standing Tall

I look across the street and see my neighbour’s fir tree. It has been there for years guarding the front entry. The top is laden with cones … it has born much fruit. Its branches spread wide and it is a haven for the small birds that visit there. A terrible wind storm attacked the tree one day.

A Turn for the Worse

Well … so much has happened … all these problems here with our new unit have caused us so much grief that Harry says “sell” but I am not sure if we can take another move. I have left it in God’s hands. Some day we will look back and understand the “why’s” of all these recent upsets … I know we are not forsaken but oh, I feel so fragile!

New Homes and Old Troubles

We were down to Edmonton last week. Saw a new doctor who believes Harry’s cancer in his neck is the same as in his chest. He did mention a new experimental drug out in Toronto that might have some effect but it is hard on the heart and Harry has already had one heart attack.


Oh, the blessings of a church family! Harry stayed home, cuddled up in front of the fireplace but I went to church. It was so good to see everyone. I got so many warm hugs.

Seeking Comfort and Normalcy

The volunteers at the Cross Cancer Clinic gave me tea and cookies today while I was waiting for Harry. It made me weep. After so many years as a hospital volunteer, I was touched by having the roles reversed. It was a somewhat humbling experience.

Leaving Home

We have the yard nearly ready for winter and most everything packed for our trip. We got little information on this place where we are going to stay. I couldn’t get a unit number or a phone number. All this confusion just adds to the stress levels we are experiencing.