Patricia Schneider


The other day I walked into the meeting room at the church and began to rearrange some of the tables…they were not lined up perfectly and nothing bothers me more than things all askew.


No, this is not one of those stories about an awful dream you had about shopping at your local grocery store in your all together. This is a story about story-tellers.

Fear Not

Although I have no fear of public speaking, I have a dreadful fear of winter’s icy roads. Northern Alberta was probably not the best choice of residence and yet I have been here since 1961.

That First Time

That first kiss, that “First place” at the Music Festival, that first baby…so many “firsts” in your life. This adventure of life if full of “firsts”…some wonderful and some woeful.


It is nearly Christmas and the winter sun blazes into the living room window. It doesn’t contain much heat but it is so low in the south that it hits you right in the eye and it is bright!