Recipes & Memories

Granny’s Tea Biscuits

Take me back 30 years in time and one of my favourite memories would be in the home of my mother-in law on a Sunday, at noon, after church. The entire family sat around the dining room table patiently waiting for the platter to arrive.

Clootie Duff (Dumpling)

Rhoda MacRitchie, a native of the Isle of Harris and a Gaelic speaker, fondly recalls the three-hour-long summer communion services of her childhood. Communion was a major event and people would come from miles around. Beforehand, the host congregation undertook a flurry of cooking and baking and there was a competition as to whose house attracted the most guests for a lunch of Scotch broth, roast lamb and trifle.

Recipes and Memories

Most of us have special memories of Sunday school picnics, Burns suppers, church socials and, above all, the home-baking served at teas and church-basement bazaars. These continue to be a part of the fabric that is woven into belonging to a Presbyterian congregation.