
On metaphor and more

It is difficult to understand the intent of Duncan Cameron's letters (March '08 and April '07) as he ends up agreeing with what he seems to be trying to attack or correct. Duncan forgot that Zander Dunn's letter (March 2007) was responding to Calvin Brown's (January 2007) narrow interpretation on the virgin birth. Duncan agrees with me that if we are able to carry on a vibrant conversation then our denomination could be challenged; neither of us could accept a denomination that would not. However, I am not convinced we currently have that open climate; especially when statements like “must be believed by Christians,” and not sharing a belief in the virgin birth “undermines the whole authority of scripture” are used. Diversity of opinion I will celebrate, blind insistence on seeing things only from a perspective that mollifies a minority I cannot support – and neither could Luther nor any of the Reformers.

Justice is a daily thing

It is nice to see social issues displayed in your magazine, as happened in the February 2008 edition. However, I think there is a problem with your analysis. You ask your readers to support charity but you do not mention justice.

Barrier-free housing

Please allow me to share some relevant information regarding the topic of barrier-free housing (universal design) that I believe would be of benefit to my fellow Christians. In my 15+ years of community health care (two years as an ambulance attendant and 13+ years assisting adults with disabilities) I have been exposed to a number of different types of barrier-free environments and have come to appreciate their many benefits… the most important of which is the ability to remain in your home for as long as you wish. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation has the FlexHousing program that discusses topics such as accessible design, healthy housing materials and safety considerations as examples. Given my experience of working for adults with disabilities, I have found the FlexHousing program to be outstanding in content and logic. CMHC refers to FlexHousing as building smart and I think you would agree after reading their publications, some of which are available as a free download or printed publication.

Maybe like BoP 348

I have just arrived home from church. The sermon was great, the celebration of the sacrament was reverent and pertinent … but I miss the old hymns that were always a joy when I was singing in the choir and being inspired by the energy that evolves from the transformation of spirit into word and notes. This is what we miss in the current service that mandates this new kind of music. I think it is time to reintroduce the old hymns that inspired and raised the spirits and rafters. We want to go to church to be spiritually uplifted, not to feel that we have just attended a funeral wake.